Two of the Directors of Marine Results, Ed Danby and Ben Wood have this month re-validated their certification for Dye Penetrant Testing. Both are holders of the certificates for Liquid Penetrant Inspection (PCN GEN Issue 3 2002/SNT-TC-1A) from Lavender International NDT Training School which have to be refreshed every 5 years. The Directors first qualified in 2010 and have since carried out countless Dye Penetrant inspections, saving rigs from undetectable failures in metal components.
Meanwhile two further members of the Marine Results NDT Team, Paul Grant and Giles Waterhouse, have just completed the two week Liquid Penetrant Inspection course for the first time. Says Ed Danby “Adding two further qualified technicians to our team strongly increases our capabilities for testing large rigs around the world. Giles and Paul both have extensive NDT experience, and the certification will add to the credibility – as well as the high standard – of our activities.”